December 31, 2010

New Units and Advancement

Four New Units Started in Ebeye as Scouts in Kosrae and Majuro Advance

Above: New Scouts in Troop 422 showing off their new Scout uniforms... Two Cub Scout Packs and Two Boy Scout Troops were started in November 2010 on the island of Ebeye, Republic of the Marshall Islands. These two units, chartered by the LDS Church, are the first units started in Ebeye in almost 10 years. In an area where there is little opportunity for youth, Scouting is beginning to see progress toward helping the youth of the island.

On other islands of the Pacific, Scouting continues to grow and provide strong opportunities for boys. The youth of Troops 741 and 742, in Kosrae, FSM, have enjoyed advancement in Scouting and have earned their Second Class Scout rank and are working on their First Class. In Majuro, Marshall Islands, Scout Roger Muller, with Troop 454, chartered to the Co-op School, has earned his First Class rank. He is the first Scout in the Marshall Islands to earn this rank. He has since turned 18 and is now an Assistant Scoutmaster.

December 30, 2010

PBS Leader Training

Youth Protection Training taught to over 200 leaders of PBS

(Above: Hirobo Obeketang teaches Majuro District Leaders Youth Protection Training)

The Boy Scouts of America began a new policy of caring for our youth in May 2010, and in keeping with that policy, the adult leaders within the Pacific Basin have turned out in large numbers to receive this training.

The YPT is a major step forward in an area where protection of youth is not a priority. The training introduced by the BSA is bringing the needs of youth, and their importance to the minds of Scouting and the community.

Island Leaders from Four Nation/States attend Wood Badge and PBS Conference

Scouting in the Pacific Basin reached a major milestone and objective when six Island leaders and one Island Commissioner attended Wood Badge and the PBS Conference in August 2010. These leaders attended the first cluster course of the Aloha Council and helped make up the largest Wood Badge course in the Council’s history.

The leaders that attended included Bell Tosie of Kosrae, Derek Cepeda of Guam, Hirobo Obeketang, Herson Aloka and Martin Baso of the Republic of the Marshall and Islands, Dr. Ernest Oo of American Samoa and Jack Metcalf, Island Commissioner from Houston, Texas.

Along with the Wood Badge course, the PBS leaders received training on Youth Protection, Leave No Trace, Developing Community Partnerships, District Leadership Training Workshop, Trainer Development using the EDGE model and many other focuses. The leaders returned to their home island prepared to share what they have learned with local community leaders and Scouts. From this training, many will benefit.

March 30, 2010

Scouting Reaches Out to Serve Youth throughout Palau

Boy Scouting has enjoyed many years of success within the Republic of Palau. The Koror State Department of State and Cultural Affairs, with Director Scott Yano and Scouting Coordinator El’zeder Eledui, has maintained one of the strongest Scouting programs in Micronesia.

Troop 712, chartered to the Koror State, has committed to assist other organizations around Palau to start new Packs and Troops. In March 2010, Koror State appointed 12 young adults to head the effort in supporting youth programs. Included in this effort will be establishing strong Scouting units in neighboring hamlets and villages.

The absence of quality youth programs in the Pacific region show the need to reach out the girls, as well. Koror State has worked to include girls in their scouting efforts, as part of their overall program. The program used for the girls is a unique variation of Scouting, but just as valuable as the Boy Scouts.

(Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Koror State, Republic of Palau)

February 15, 2010

Kosrae Scouts set Goal to Earn First Class Rank

(Pictured above: Troops 741 and 742 participate in a 10 mile hike)

The Scouting program in Kosrae has seen more success than anyone could have anticipated, due primarily to the efforts of the leaders of Troops 741 and 742, Chartered by the LDS Church.

In January, the Scouts of 741 and 742 were awarded their Second Class rank, along with four merit badges, including Gardening, Art, Traffic Safety and Fingerprinting. Scouts have established a working garden, where they learned how to plant, cultivate and pollinate, with the absence of bees on the island, conducted service projects in the community, and participated in hikes and campouts each month. The Scouts have set a goal to receive their First Class rank by the end of the year.

Currently the Scouts are working on their Citizenship in the Community, First Aid and Personal Fitness merit badges. Their efforts have included visits with local health care professionals, and civic and community leaders.

(Kosrae dentist helps Scouts with Personal Fitness MB)