Boy Scouting has enjoyed many years of success within the Republic of Palau. The Koror State Department of State and Cultural Affairs, with Director Scott Yano and Scouting Coordinator El’zeder Eledui, has maintained one of the strongest Scouting programs in Micronesia.
Troop 712, chartered to the Koror State, has committed to assist other organizations around Palau to start new Packs and Troops. In March 2010, Koror State appointed 12 young adults to head the effort in supporting youth programs. Included in this effort will be establishing strong Scouting units in neighboring hamlets and villages.
The absence of quality youth programs in the Pacific region show the need to reach out the girls, as well. Koror State has worked to include girls in their scouting efforts, as part of their overall program. The program used for the girls is a unique variation of Scouting, but just as valuable as the Boy Scouts.